Friday, October 21, 2016

ABM Is Life!

         Me as an ABM student, I enjoy every moment I have. Of course sometimes it gets hard and I know even you experiencing hard times right? But if you love your course, the hard times doesn't matter that much just think for the positive outcome.
For me ABM is life because besides of having classmates that crazy us me, subjects you can like, and having good teachers, ABM also give you the good future or jobs after you graduate under this strand.

Management Job Opportunities
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Assistant Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Director Of Sales 
  • General Manager
  • District Manager
Accounting Job Oppotunities
  • Accountant
  • Staff Accountant
  • Bookkeeper
  • Accounting Manager
  • Accounting Clerk
  • Tax Manager
  • Accounts Payable Clerk
  • Internal Auditor
Those states above are some Business Management VS. Accounting Job Opportunities. In ABM we study Accountancy and Business Management which we can also choose from the two in choosing or getting the job we want. Abm is life!

Business Management

                         Image result for business management  
        Business Management is a course of study leading to an A.A.S. degree. The coursework includes both general requirements (liberal arts courses) as well as curriculum requirements (business courses). In addition, each student takes elective courses in one of the following four areas of study: General Management, Finance & Banking, Marketing or Travel & Tourism.

Program Outcomes

  • 1. Effectively communicate using the language of business
  • 2. Make business decisions using a systematic, evaluative, information-based approach rooted in ethics and social responsibility
  • 3. Demonstrate knowledge of current events and trends in business, including potential career tracks in their area of interest
  • 4. Master the skills necessary to prepare them to work in an entry-level position and/or continue in the academic field in their area of interest

Management Accounting

       The process of preparing management reports and accounts that provide accurate and timely financial and statistical information required by managers to make day-to-day and short-term decisions.

       Unlike financial accounting, which produces annual reports mainly for external stakeholders, management accounting generates monthly or weekly reports for an organization's internal audiences such as department managers and the chief executive officer. These reports typically show the amount of available cash, sales revenue generated, amount of orders in hand, state of accounts payable and accounts receivable, outstanding debts, raw material and inventory, and may also include trend charts, variance analysis, and other statistics.
        Also called managerial accounting.

Accounting definition:
Practice and body of knowledge concerned primarily with
1. methods for recording transactions,
2. keeping financial records,
3. performing internal audits,
4. reporting and analyzing financial information to the management, and
5. advising on taxation matters.
It is a systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information. It reveals profit or loss for a given period, and the value and nature of a firm's assets, liabilities and owners' equity.

Accounting provides information on the
1. resources available to a firm,
2. the means employed to finance those resources, and
3. the results achieved through their use.

Factors in choosing ABM

              Choosing the strand you are going to take in Senior High School is not easy. But it is not always, if you already know what is your goal in life it is easier for you to choose.

Factors in choosing ABM as your strand states below:

You are willing to have a business someday. It is because in this strand, you are going to study how to have a business, What characteristics does a business man/woman have? How to manage a firm?, entrepreneurship, and others about the business world.

• Inclined with the subject Mathematics. But not all because some student says "If this is your weakness, you should give more focus here." Most of the students choose this strand because they are good in Math which it is make it easier for them.

A heart that loves what he/she do as an ABM student. You cannot achieve your goal if you don't love your course. If you love everything about ABM, you can give your full effort and attention just to achieve your dreams.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What is ABM?

                ABM is the short term for Accountancy, Business and Management. ABM strand is under the Academic Track of K-12 Program. This is perfect for those inclined in Mathematics and to those people who wants to enter the world of business.

ABM offers specialized subjects:
  • Applied Economics
  • Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management 1
  • Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management 2
  • Business Math
  • Business Finance
  • Organization and Management
  • Principles of Marketing
             Accountancy is the profession or practice of accounting. Also measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities.
             Business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial industrial or professional.
             Management is the coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve desired objects.

 ABM is a strand which a student choose because they want to become a successful accountant or to become a successful business woman or man. ABM is a strand which a student choose because they want to become a successful accountant or to become a successful business woman or man.

Image result for ABM strand images

Image result for ABM strand images