Friday, October 21, 2016

Business Management

                         Image result for business management  
        Business Management is a course of study leading to an A.A.S. degree. The coursework includes both general requirements (liberal arts courses) as well as curriculum requirements (business courses). In addition, each student takes elective courses in one of the following four areas of study: General Management, Finance & Banking, Marketing or Travel & Tourism.

Program Outcomes

  • 1. Effectively communicate using the language of business
  • 2. Make business decisions using a systematic, evaluative, information-based approach rooted in ethics and social responsibility
  • 3. Demonstrate knowledge of current events and trends in business, including potential career tracks in their area of interest
  • 4. Master the skills necessary to prepare them to work in an entry-level position and/or continue in the academic field in their area of interest

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